

I’m at school right now and I have quite a bit of time to kill before my next class. 

I had an online class this morning and I was incredibly bored at our apartment. I still have yet to get a job. Any takers? Going once… going twice… yeah, I didn’t think so. So I sit here in the school library, jobless… book-less (still need to buy textbooks)… boyfriend-less (we’ll worry about that later)… hungry (Cup-o-noodles in my purse was, by far, not enough)… and bored. 

What does one do when such dilemmas are forced down upon thee? 

1. We check Facebook

2. We awkwardly stare at hot guys walking by our table

3. We search our purse for something to eat

4. We try to listen to music… but iTunes is being stupid

5. We try to figure out a way to solve our “boyfriend situation”

6. We swivel around in our chair until we start to get sick

7. We post annoyingly long wall-posts on our sister’s Facebook wall

8. We Tweet about useless, boring things (i.e. “Just had a banana nut muffin”)

9. We start to sing “Holla Back Girl” because they spell b-a-n-a-n-a-s in the lyrics

10. And of course, We study all the Fall trends/looks that are becoming very popular

Trend #1: Camel

Nicole Farhi blazer

Ralph Lauren Collection shoe

Trend #2: Lace

Alexander McQueen

Erdem Resort

Trend #3: Fifties

Bibhu Mohapatra
