Alexander Mcqueen

Art 302: Reading #6

  1. Refereeing to highland rape, rape is a horrific act, why are magazines allowed to romanticize it and put it in advertisements?

Although violence an rape are horrible unspeakable acts, the reason magazines and designers romanticize it purely because of one thing- Sex. Violence + Sex = Naughty. Sex (even naughty sex) is desirable and lustful. Designers and magazines want you to be turned on and lust after their merchandise. McQueen was making a political statement with the Highland Rape collection. He stated that he was protesting the rape against Scotland. He romanticized political violence.

Alexander McQueen’s 1995 Highland Rape collection


Violence against women in advertisment


  1.  Is it possible for clothing to provide the type of protection McQueen try’s to creative by making women look “so powerful no one would dare lay hands on them?

I don’t think there is anything in the world that can truly protect a woman from a man putting his hands on them. A huge factor that will stop a man from putting his hands on you is confidence. If a woman carries her self strongly, it will be intimidating to men. A woman who wears one outfit meekly, will be more vulnerable compared to another woman who wears the same outfit but holds her head up high and his aware of her surroundings.


  1. Are the opinions of the viewer or designer a more correct interpretation fashion?

Designers like to think that they are the ones that call the shots. But ultimately it is up to the consumer. The consumer controls all. Without the consumer, the designer would not have a job. When it comes to who has a better interpretation of fashion, it needs to be the viewer. Because God willing, they are the ones who will buy it. When looking at McQueen’s Highland Rape collection, it was actually more mild than i was expecting. I, as the consumer, would not have seen rape or violence against women.

Contradictory quote from Chanel. Yes, she did care what we thought. We are the consumers.


  1. Why is it appealing to sexualize or eroticise fashion?

Like I said in the first response, Sex = desire. Designers want you to lust and desire over their merchandise. Sex appeals to the senses. Sexualizing fashion will also catch your attention.

sex-and-fashion-ksubi Tom-Ford-advert-007 images

No Name

Hi everyone, sorry that I have been gone. I hadn’t felt very inspired lately to blog about anything of any importance. But NOW I am. A lot has happened in the past couple months. Hmm… let’s contemplate on these said subjects and other various topics while we inhale a bowel of Golden Grahams.

1. I love Golden Grahams. They tasty, mmmmm.

2. That reminded me of the Golden Girls for some reason.

3. And that reminded me of Betty White! Oh gosh, Betty rocks. I saw You Again this past weekend, it is super cute and a must see date movie… although I went alone… *cough*LOSER*cough*

4. Working for Nordstroms Rack has been very interesting and a wonderful experience. It has been HARD WORK. All my past experience in retail has nothin’ on it.

5. I got to play with the designer shoes today. I started to drool over a pair of Kate Spade heels and began to moan and squeal over a pair of Badgley Mishaka pumps. [My name is Lauren… and I have a problem.]

6. Ughhhh… I need to go to bed like in 5 minutes. I’m an old man at heart and I have to get my beauty sleep because I have work at 7 am. 

7. I bought a TV the other day. My old roommate moved out and took the TV and my other roommate demands that I help pay for the cable… when I didn’t have a TV? So I had to get a TV. I’m blonde at heart and I am having great difficulty putting it together. I NEED TO WATCH GOSSIP GIRL, DAMN IT. 

8. I need to clean up my vocabulary, don’t tell my mother that.

9. Mom, if you’re reading this– Sorry.

10. Speaking of linguistics, since living in LA, I noticed I have been talking “differently.” I don’t know how to explain it, but I sound like I’m Southern and I know how to make a mean batch of fried chicken and creme corn. I kinda like it.

11. I have a project due in my Fashion Merchandising class soon. I was going to do it on fashion shows, but I’m changing my mind… I’ll keep you posted.

12. I should be telling you about what I have been learning about in my Fashion Merchandising class! I’ll save that for the next post…

13. #nowplaying Michael and Janet Jackson– Scream

14. What should I wear to work tomorrow? I need to mix it up.

15. I’ve been having luck in the love department lately. [blushes and changes topics]

16. I’m in the mood to eat something incredibly bad and delicious. 

17. Why am I not asleep yet???? I’m going to be a bitch in the morning lol. [Repeat #8]

18. ALEXANDER MCQUEEN SPRING 2011 IS AMAZING. Did I need to yell that? YES I DID.

Sarah Burton [took over for McQueen] IS A GENIUS

Hellooooooo? Is it not obvious how amazing every single piece of this collection is? [shakes head in disbelief.] I cannot believe that such masterpieces even exist! 

Wow. I get emotional over fashion a little too easily. Somebody, QUICK– Hand me an Ambien. 

Alexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-WearAlexander McQueen Spring 2011 Ready-to-Wear


I’m at school right now and I have quite a bit of time to kill before my next class. 

I had an online class this morning and I was incredibly bored at our apartment. I still have yet to get a job. Any takers? Going once… going twice… yeah, I didn’t think so. So I sit here in the school library, jobless… book-less (still need to buy textbooks)… boyfriend-less (we’ll worry about that later)… hungry (Cup-o-noodles in my purse was, by far, not enough)… and bored. 

What does one do when such dilemmas are forced down upon thee? 

1. We check Facebook

2. We awkwardly stare at hot guys walking by our table

3. We search our purse for something to eat

4. We try to listen to music… but iTunes is being stupid

5. We try to figure out a way to solve our “boyfriend situation”

6. We swivel around in our chair until we start to get sick

7. We post annoyingly long wall-posts on our sister’s Facebook wall

8. We Tweet about useless, boring things (i.e. “Just had a banana nut muffin”)

9. We start to sing “Holla Back Girl” because they spell b-a-n-a-n-a-s in the lyrics

10. And of course, We study all the Fall trends/looks that are becoming very popular

Trend #1: Camel

Nicole Farhi blazer

Ralph Lauren Collection shoe

Trend #2: Lace

Alexander McQueen

Erdem Resort

Trend #3: Fifties

Bibhu Mohapatra


McQueen’s Successor

It seems that Gareth Pugh is the first choice for taking over as creative director for Alexander McQueen. About a week after Alexander Mcqueen’s funeral, the company that was in charge of AM, has believed to have chosen someone to take over Alexander McQueen. PPR wanted someone with the same creativity and love for theatrics to take over. Pugh has a fan base with Anna Wintour… which is a fantastic start.